- heating indirect heating
- калориферное отопление
Англо-русский морской словарь. Б.Н. Серебрийский. 1946.
Англо-русский морской словарь. Б.Н. Серебрийский. 1946.
heating — I Process of raising the temperature of an enclosed space. Heat can be delivered by convection, radiation, and thermal conduction. With the exception of the ancient Romans, who developed a form of central heating, most cultures relied on direct… … Universalium
Indirect injection — In an internal combustion engine, the term indirect injection refers to a fuel injection where fuel is not directly injected into the combustion chamber. Gasoline engines are usually equipped with indirect injection systems, wherein a fuel… … Wikipedia
indirect heating — netiesioginis kaitinimas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. indirect heating vok. indirekte Heizung, f rus. косвенный нагрев, m; косвенный накал, m pranc. chauffage indirect, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
indirect heating — netiesioginis kaitinimas statusas T sritis Energetika apibrėžtis Medžiagų kaitinimas, atskyrus šilumnešį šilumai laidžia pertvara, pro kurią vyksta šilumos mainai. atitikmenys: angl. indirect heating vok. indirekte Heizung, f rus. косвенный… … Aiškinamasis šiluminės ir branduolinės technikos terminų žodynas
Indirect Solar Gain System — A passive solar heating system in which the sun warms a heat storage element, and the heat is distributed to the interior space by convection, conduction, and radiation … Energy terms
Indirect uses — (end use category) The end use category that handles boiler fuel. Fuel in boilers is transformed into another useful energy source, steam or hot water, which is in turn used in other end uses, such as process or space heating or electricity… … Energy terms
Water heating — is a thermodynamic process using an energy source to heat water above its initial temperature. Typical domestic uses of hot water are for cooking, cleaning, bathing, and space heating. In industry, both hot water and water heated to steam have… … Wikipedia
District heating — Biomass fired district heating power plant in Mödling, Austria … Wikipedia
chauffage indirect — netiesioginis kaitinimas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. indirect heating vok. indirekte Heizung, f rus. косвенный нагрев, m; косвенный накал, m pranc. chauffage indirect, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
chauffage indirect — netiesioginis kaitinimas statusas T sritis Energetika apibrėžtis Medžiagų kaitinimas, atskyrus šilumnešį šilumai laidžia pertvara, pro kurią vyksta šilumos mainai. atitikmenys: angl. indirect heating vok. indirekte Heizung, f rus. косвенный… … Aiškinamasis šiluminės ir branduolinės technikos terminų žodynas
Oil shale extraction — is an industrial process in which kerogen mdash;a mixture of organic chemical compounds (including hydrocarbons) found in oil shale mdash;is converted into synthetic crude oil through pyrolysis. In pyrolysis, oil shale is heated in the absence of … Wikipedia